Resilient classrooms: Creating healthy environments for learning - Doll, Zucker, et al. - 2004 () Citation Context ...terdependence that lasts over a considerable period of time” (Kelley et al., 1983.) Resilient Classrooms are classrooms “where all children can be successful emotionally, ...
Stanford, PokeyReeves, Stacy
The children are our future. Indoor environments promoting their health and learning should be in focus. Which perspective do we have when we design the indoor environments such as child care centers, schools and universities? Daylight is essential for us human beings. So as for our young citize...
The widespread perception that young children are innately active and interventions are not needed is a barrier for cre- ating appropriate modifications to children's routines and environments. The fact is that young chil- dren are only active for short periods each day (Reilly, 2004). Provision...
Design and Validation of a Tool to Measure Associations between the Learning Environment and Student Well-Being: The Healthy Environments and Learning Prac... Design and Validation of a Tool to Measure Associations between the Learning Environment and Student Well-Being: The Healthy Environments and ... chain hotels B.greenest natural environments C.longest bike paths D.highest rates of people cycling to work 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Copenhagen has a long-standing cycling tradition and 36% of locals cycle to work each day,one of the highest percentages in the world...
Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning. Practical Intervention in the Schools Series Readers are guided step by step to understand what makes a classroom a healthy place to learn; recognize when essential socioemotional supports are missing;... B Doll,S Zucker,K Brehm - ...
nature therapy: A therapeutic practice that involves spending time in natural environments to enhance mental and physical health. music therapy: A clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualiz...
Satish Kumar said, “We are nature.” Environmental wellness helps us recognize our connection to the natural world and realize that when we help our environment, we help ourselves. It is important, however, to point out that not everyone has equal access to nature or green environments, due...
(IAQ) and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) issues in the nation’s schools. The day of recognition takes place on April 2ndand is coordinated by the Healthy Schools Network. It is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Indoor Environments Division along with many ...