哈佛公共卫生学院(Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health)作为健康营养界的领军人物,从科学的角度提出了“健康饮食餐盘(Healthy Eating Plate)”概念,旨在指导公众从“保持身体健康”,而非单纯减肥的角度来进行饮食。 The Healthy Eating Plate was crea...
1【题目】HEALTHY EATING PLATEUse healthy ois(likeWATERolive and canola oil)Drink water tea, or coffeefor cooking, on salad(with little or no sugar.and atthe table.LimitLimit milk/dairybutter. Avoid trans fat.(1-2 servings/day) andWHOLEjuice (1 smallglass/day).Avoid sugary drinks.GRAINSThe...
【题目】HEALTHY EATING PLATEUse healthy os(ikeWATERolive and canola oil)Drink water tea, orcoffeefor cooking, on salad,(withittle or no sugar.and at the table.LimitLimit milk/dairybutter. Avoid trans fat.(1-2 servings/day) andjuice (1 smallglass/day).WHOLEGRAINSAvoid sugary drinks.The ...
阅读理解HEALTHY EATING PLATEUse healthy oils (likeolive and canola oil)WATERDrink water tea, or coffee(with lite or no sugar)for cooking, on salad,OISLimi milk dairyand at the table, Limit(1-2 servings/day)andbutter Avoid trans fat.juice(I smal glass/day)Avoid sugary drinks.WHOLEGRAINSThe...
Healthy Eating Plate\textcircled(19)3 The Healthy Eating Plate was created by Harvard University.It is a guide for creating healthy and balanced meals.Let's take a look.Healthy OilsUse healthy plant oils for cooking.Eat less butter.Don't eat trans fat (反式脂肪).VegetablesThe more vegetables...
HEALTHY EATING PLATEUse healthy oils (like olive and canola oil) for cooking on salad and at the table. Limit butter. Avoid trans fat. Drink water, tea or coffee (with little or no sugar). Limit milk/dairy (1-2 servings/day) and juice (1 small glass/day). Avoid sugar drinks....
HEALTHY EATING PLATEUse heathy oils likeWATERDrink water,tea,or cofeeolive and candla cil)(with littie or no sugarfor cooking.on saladHEALTHYLimit miik/dairyand at the table.Lmltbutter.Avoid trans fatOLS(1-2 servings/dayl andjuice (1 small glass/day)WHOLEAvoid sugary drinxs.GRAINSThe ...
) was created by Harvard University. It is a guide for creating healthy and balanced meals. Let’s have a look.1. Which group is the biggest in the plate? A. Vegetables. B. Fruit. C. Whole grains. D. Healthy protein. 2. Which of the following are the good habits for health? a....
【题目】HEALTHY EATING PLATEUseheathyos(ikeWATERDrink water tea,or coffeeoive andcano i)withiteornosugarfo cooingonslad,HEALTHYLimitmik/diryand atthe table LimitoLs(1-2 serings/day andbutter Avoidtrans fatjuce(1smallgassday)WHOLEAvoidsugarydrk.GRAINSThe moe veggles-VEGETABLESandthegreate theEat...
【题目】HEALTHY EATING PLATEUsehathyoskeWATERDrinkwaerta o cofeeolive and canola oiwithittle or no sugarfo cookng onaadHEALTHYLimtmkdaiyanda teableLimtons1-2sevings/dy)andbutte.AvoidtrasfatWHOLEJuce( smallgass/dy)Avod sugaydnsGRAINSThemorevegges-VEGETABLESandthegeatetheEatavaetyofwhoegansvaety...