healthy eating index-2015计算方法 Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015)是一种用于测量个人或群体饮食质量的评分系统。下面是计算HEI-2015的方法步骤: 1.将所需的食物和营养素数据收集起来,这些数据可以通过食物调查或其他可靠的食物数据库获得。 2.使用收集到的食物和营养素数据来确定每天各个食物组别(如谷物、...
Conclusions: Usage of the latest iteration of the Healthy Eating Index, HEI 2015, has been growing in the only 20 months since its release in 2017. Publications using it include a range of topics, such as economic research, epidemiology, surveillance, and sustainability. Given the relatively ...
RESEARCHMonographUpdate of the Healthy Eating Index: HEI-2015Susan M. Krebs-Smith, PhD, MPH; TusaRebecca E. Pannucci, PhD, MPH, RD; Amy F. Subar, PhD, MPH, RD;Sharon I. Kirkpatrick, PhD, MHSc, RD; Jennifer L. Lerman, MPH, RD, LDN; Janet A. Tooze, PhD, MPH; Magdalena M. Wi...
The objective of this study was to use the Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015) to evaluate the quality of foods consumed from the four major outlets where food is obtained—stores, full-service restaurants, quick-services restaurants, and schools—and to assess changes over time. This cross-...
The association between healthy eating index-2015 with anthropometric, cardiometabolic and hepatic indices among patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver di... The association between healthy eating index-2015 with anthropometric, cardiometabolic and hepatic indices among patients with non-alcoholic fatty ...
Objective: To compare the new hybrid nutrient-rich food NRFh 4:3:3 score to other nutrient-rich food (NRF) scores, energy density, and energy cost and to model the impact on the Healthy Eating Index (HEI-2015) of partially replacing less nutrient-rich with more nutrient-rich foods. ...