Over 50 healthy and delicious hearty, plant-based soups, stews, chowders, and chilis! From easy vegetable chili to classic...
floor pillows. Have a few games ready to play. Make sure the soup’s on the stove for seconds and thirds. You might even have two or three kinds of soups. And, the best part, you can make these soups ahead of time, say two to three days, refrigerate and just warm for your ...
Ipraythat you don’t get sick this winter but if you do - call me and I will bring over my favorite soup. Healthy soups are soeasy. Vegetables become creamy and easy to eat when you cook them in a soup. Sometimes people don’t even know that they are eating vegetables. Don’t tel...
I’ve made my fair share of blended soups, and in doing so, I have two important tips I’d like to share: Make an extra large batch:You know I’m a huge fan ofmeal prep, and soup is quite possible the easiest meal to freeze and store. I love to store soup in myWeck Jarsor ...
Hope you enjoy some of these soups. Let me know which ones you are planning to make! xo. TheAmbitious KitchenCookbook Order Now Hi, I’m Monique I’m so happy you're here. Thanks for stopping by to fuel your health journey! Learn more about us here.Download...
soup has some pretty terrific things going for it: it’s simple to make, can be stashed away in the freezer for later, is filled to the brim with both vegetables and water, (keeping us full and hydrated), and is easy to re-heat (in fact most soups taste even better the next day...
These soups freeze great and are kid-friendly. You know easy vegan recipes hold the key to my heart. This roundup of colorful, crowd pleasing, delicious vegan soup recipes is a must for your one pot recipe repertoire! MY LATEST VIDEOSHow to make healthy vegan soups...
These fall dinner ideas make for a cozy dinner every night of the week. Some of them— like veggie-packed soups and stews— are also easy to make ahead of time. You could prep a big batch on Sunday and enjoy it throughout the week. We've also included plenty of sheet-pan dinners,...
Every sip of warm and healthy vegetable soup is a divine experience during cold winter days. This soup recipe uses variety of vegetables and vegetable stock to make it more healthy and tasty.
GO TO RECIPE 10. Spicy Rice Ramen Noodles Soup This delicious sweet and spicy ramen dish is easy to make and chock full of fragrant and nutritional ingredients. The ginger roots used here are great for bone health and can reduce the risk of heart disease. Cilantros adds fresh, herby notes...