A healthy dog can have clear bright eyes, clean teeth, brilliant coat sheen, good breath, and playful happy attitude. Unluckily, many of our dogs are unhappy, unhealthy, and they can get many health problems like allergies, diabetes, and cancer. All the holistic veterinarians trust that the ...
Elie Metchnikoff, working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in the early 1900s, was one of the first scientists to recognize that the types of bacteria (microbiota) residing in our gut have a significant impact on our overall health.1 He noted that ...
This is a pertinent point as this trial used a dose of 5 grams per day which provided well over 108 of each bacterium as well as 2.5 grams of prebiotic accounting for between 0.5 to 1% of dry matter intake for each dog. More significant, we were able to observe a difference in fecal...
yesterday on the way back to my kampung, i bought 1 big papaya, 2 small pineapple, a kg limau nipis. Can i mixed them together to make a mixed fruit enzyme. For old people (age 75) which type of fruit enzyme is good for them. I meant not so “cold” and no “angin” tq en...
boulardii on all fecal parameters under evaluation (FS, Fsp, DM, UM, IgA) for both dog breeds. Indeed, FS as well as FSp presented significant differences in the two groups; specifically, they decreased in the SACC one, which was characterized by harder feces compared to the CTR groups, ...
(dog, piglet, goat, horse, cattle, and rabbit) to canine, human, and porcine intestinal mucus, and did not find statistically significant differences between binding ability to any of the tested mucus types [22]. Rinkinen et al. (2003b) investigated the adhesion of various lactic acid ...
(p= 0.002); however,B. vulgatusshowed higher hydrophobicity (46.1%) thanF. varium(12.6%). In conclusion, both bacteria have potential as probiotics, but further studies will be required to determine the efficacy and safety of the strains to be used, which strains to use, and the reasons ...
Lower doses of dietary fiber from food byproducts have also been used in the development of fermented milks to protect probiotics and enhance their viability. It is well documented that probiotic bacteria grow slowly in milk because they are devoid of proteolytic enzymes [133]. Therefore, milk ...
This is a pertinent point as this trial used a dose of 5 grams per day which provided well over 108 of each bacterium as well as 2.5 grams of prebiotic accounting for between 0.5 to 1% of dry matter intake for each dog. More significant, we were able to observe a difference in fecal...