How about you? Please share your awe inspiring experiences in the natural world. Awe not only boosts our minds and bodies, but it can also boost social connections and the feeling of belonging. To learn more about the powerful health and wellness benefits of nature,
Healthy relationships– Continue to build and strengthen interpersonal connections that will have a positive impact in your life. Don’t let stress continue to negatively impact your body, mind, or behaviors. Start using stress relief techniques to help manage the stress in your life. ...
39 How strong are your connections with family and friends Are you plugged into social or spiritual groups that enrich your life “People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships,” C. Nathan DeWall, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, tells Web...
When we're getting outside of our normal daily routine, and we're literally forcing our minds to change and to create new connections. Right? And I love this statement from Jim Kwik. When your body moves, your brain grooves. Alright? So when you're putting your body in different environ...
The Benefits of Making Connections between Gifting & Health at Workplaces Gifting your office mates can help reduce the amount of stress you are under. Studies show that people who give gifts usually feel more energized and less stressed than those who do not. This energy boost also improves ...
Those connections would have broken as the most recent rainy period subsided but could have re-established during particularly wet years. Thus, we interpret the low levels of contemporary gene flow that GADMA inferred between Deep Creek, Foskett Spring and Coleman Creek as indicating intermittent ...
When we closely focus on tasks in a goal-oriented way, taking on challenges that make deep connections in the brain. Play Time. When we allow ourselves to be spontaneous or creative, playfully enjoying novel experiences, which helps make new connections in the brain. Connecting Time. When we...
What this means is that the brain is literally rewiring itself, allowing faulty connections (synapses) to reconnect stronger and with more integrity. And what we experience physically is less anxiety and depression and the somatic manifestations of those states of being. Moreover, ketamine’s impa...
First, social connections are really good for us, and loneliness kills. It turns out that people who are more socially connected to others are happier, physically healthier, and live longer than people who are less well connected. Second, the quality of your close relationships matters. Living ...
This article on unexpected connections provides helpful tips on how to creatively connect with loved ones both near and far. When we are intentional in connecting with loved ones, beautiful and meaningful moments await. Be intentional. Connect often. Writer: Shannon Carter, Extension Educator, ...