Entering college usually means that you will have to cope with many things on your own, and cooking meals is one of them. Many students find it a challenging task, especially if they have no access to all the needed kitchen supplies and appliances. However, you shouldn’t feel desperate in...
As a college student, you probably have barely enough money to buy ramen, much less fancy salads, salmon, and other healthy foods. However, even though healthy food has a reputation for being expensive, it doesn’t have to be that way—even for college students. If you want to st...
Scope out the healthy food options in your college area before the school year gets really hectic. That way, you know where to go when you’re in a rush. Prepare meals in advance if you’re living on your own. It saves time and you can make the meals as healthy as you want. ...
Over the summer, I came up with a good set of foods that are close to being in line with them. Remember, as a college student I use thedoing goodmindset, realizing that it’s pretty hard to be perfect. Here are my staple foods for a great college diet: Meats:I tend to use chicke...
The lifestyle of a student is hectic(繁忙的).It gets even more hectic at a higher academic level.What everyone assumes is that school life is supposed to be fun.But when a healthy lifestyle takes a back seat in your life,you are giving diseases and stress an opening into your life. ...
Emory University's student center and residential dining facility offer dining stations to meet students' dietary needs, including plant-based, gluten-free, kosher and halal food options. The Georgia university also allows its students to get involved in the Oxford College Organic Farm, a living la...
Learning to stay healthy and on budget as a college student isn’t easy. Find a balance of strategies that work for you and then stick with them for the long haul. Find a checking account Topics: college life What to read next
It's important to stay healthy because without good health, people nearly can do nothing. I think there are several ways to stay healthy. First, good healthy eating habbit is very important. we should eat three healthy meals every day instead of junk food. We'd better eat ...
life, you will learn how to adapt to changes in ways that protect your recovery. If you are a college student making the transition to school, you will find that this is one of the most intense time periods to sustain recovery through, and it can be hard to stay healthy in college. ...
There are so many choices for food when you’re a college student. You don’t have to limit what you can eat when there are so many options. There is no reason to eat unhealthy food. It’s possible to change the way you eat food so that you don’t get bored. ...