Healthy Care Super Lecithin 1200mg 卵磷脂 (新版) 澳洲直邮 重量: 0.280kg 保质期: 2027-08 产品有效期正负1月为正常现象,介意者慎拍 数量: 手机浏览 分享收藏 商城价 ¥ 39.00 市场价¥42.00 商品详情 卵磷脂被誉为与蛋白质、维生素并列的“第三营养素”,卵磷脂作为一种功能性的健康食品,对维护心脏,大脑及...
Healthy Care 卵磷脂1200mg 100粒 ¥88.35节省¥0.00 参考到手价:¥119.10(运费:¥14.85 服务费:¥15.9) 现价(澳元):$16.99原价(澳元):$16.99折扣率:0% 温馨提示:参考到手价=商品采购价格+运费分摊+跑腿费 奶粉运费:普通快递:罐装奶粉,【20】澳元/3罐奶粉,西藏、新疆等边远地区,【21】澳元/3罐。
卵磷脂是血管清道夫,中老人健康之宝。“卵磷脂+深海鱼油”属黄金组合。如果深海鱼油是体内血管的“清洁工”,把血管里多余的胆固醇及其他垃圾扫到一起,这时,卵磷脂就担当“运输车”,将垃圾运出体外。 卵磷脂的保健作用: 卵磷脂泛指磷脂、甘油三酸酯和脂肪酸混合物,被誉为“细胞的保护神”。
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Once we were back in our room, Ben and I spent the next few days getting to know Willa, re-learning how to care for a newborn (thank you, L&D nurses!) and introducing her to family (big brother, most importantly!). Recovery from surgery went so smoothly that they gave us the opt...