Calcium and Healthy Bonesdoi:10.1080/00913847.1985.11708888JoanneL.SlavinInformaworldPhysician & SportsmedicineSlavin JL: Calcium and healthy bones. The Physician and Sportsmedicine 13(9):179--181, 1985
选项A:钙(calcium)对年轻人来说,有助于拥有健康强壮的骨骼(have healthy and strong bones)。选项B:钙与保持年轻和精力充沛(keep them young and energetic)并没有直接的联系。选项C:钙和拥有清晰的头脑去努力学习(have a clear mind to study hard)没有必然关联。选项D:钙不能使食物变得美味(make their food...
Calcium is the most vital mineral for bone health. It is a mineral that makes up the majority of the bones. Old bone cells go through a cycle of breaking down and regeneration. That is why it is critical to eat calcium-rich foods regularly to maintain bone structure and strength. As per...
2.Get enough calcium and vitamin D Building and keeping strong bones need minerals like calcium and vitamin D. Dairy products with low-fat content and foods and beverages with calcium supplements are excellent sources of calcium. Liver, egg yolks, saltwater fish, and vitamin D-fortified milk are...
Calcium is the mostabundant mineral in the body, but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is getting enough of it in their diet. Calcium is essential for a healthy heart, bones, blood, and more. If you’re concerned about getting enough calcium to strengthen your bones and protect yoursel...
Increasing your protein intake can also keep your bones healthy and strong.Studiesshow insufficient protein can decrease calcium absorption and affect bone formation and breakdown rates. Healthy sources of protein include lean meats like poultry and fish, low-fat dairy products, eggs, beans and ...
When we think of calcium and vitamin D, many of us picture a frosty glass of milk. Milk is not the only good source of calcium out there. Humans are creative omnivores. We can get calcium from a lot of other sources -- yogurt and cheese, for example -- but also look for leafy gre...
Increase your calcium intake. When your body doesn’t get enough calcium from food or supplements, it takes it from your bones. Sources of dietary calcium include: dairy products, leafy green vegetables, fish, tofu, almonds and sesame seeds. A good quality calcium supplement, like our Calcium...
What can I do to keep my bones healthy? While there are many risk factors associated with osteoporosis, you can take a few simple steps to prevent or slow bone loss. Include plenty of calcium in your diet. For adults ages 19 to 50 and men ages 51 to 70, the recommended dietary allowa...
Among the best sources of manganese, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth together with calcium, is pineapple. One cup of pineapple has seventy-six percent of your daily intake of manganese. The high vitamin C content of pineapples is also essential for bone health. ...