Fitness After 40: How to Stay Strong at Any Age Vonda Wright with Ruth Winter AMACOM 2009, 304 pages $17.95 softcover Vonda Wright, MD, an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in sports medicine and the director of PRIMA, the Performance and Research Initiative for Master Athletes, in P... H...
Healthy At 100 Vocabulary Text Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for “Healthy at 100.” Now, I know the vocabulary lesson is probably the least exciting and interesting lesson of the collection. And that’s okay. In fact, it’s really my least favorite as well....
A 100 bp ladder (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA) was used as a molecular weight standard. The amplicons were purified using the Nucleospin® Extract II kit (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany) and sequenced at the Genomics Unit of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. The resulting sequences...
following reagents and proce- dures: 100 L human plasma, 10 µL 25% acetonitrile solution, 10 µL internal standard (IS) working solution, and 200 µL acetonitrile solution were mixed by shaking in a 1.5 mL poly- propylene tube for 30 s and centrifuged at 15 000×g for 3 min....
Gaze position of the dominant eye was measured at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz with a table-mounted EyeLink 1000 positioned 530 mm in front of the participant. Each trial was preceded by a drift check, during which the experimenter ensured that the participant centered his or her gaze ...
The estimated ΔΔQTcF was 10.16 ms at a mean maximum con- centration (Cmax) of 4.36 μg/mL, which exceeded 10 ms. The one-stage concentration QT interval model indicated that MX induces QT prolongation. Two-stage concentration QT interval model Table 4 summarizes the parameter and standard ...
“Finish your vegetables before you can leave the table” was a daily mantra my mother had for me at our dinner table. It always seemed like it was her objective in life to force those vegetables that simply could not compare to the extremely over-sweetened treats that had spoiled my taste...
Healthy eating and active living PSE changes (herein: PSE changes) implemented by LFCS practitioners in rural communities occur at the intersection of individual, partnership, community, and social-political factors [24, 29, 46]. Therefore, a qualitative study using the updated 2022 Consolidated Fram...
At this visit, eligibility was first confirmed by measuring the child's height and weight and computing BMI percentile. If the child's BMI percentile was outside of the eligible range, the family was given a $10.00 gift card to thank them for their time and information regarding nutrition, ...
The threshold for statistically sig- nificant differences was set at po0.05 for all assessments, false discovery rate corrected at cluster level. The Marsbar toolbox for SPM ( was used to extract mean BPND estimates from each activation cluster observed in the ...