Getting a massage releases dopamine and serotonin into your system, which makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. So a massage is a good remedy for feeling stressed out. But that’s not the only benefit. In fact, Mayo Clinic Staff has a whole page dedicated to listing its benefits. Some of w...
a blank canvas, and time to unleash your creativity. Painting has been known to release a person’s inner creativity at the same time releasing dopamine’s throughout the whole process, that is why some can spend hours and hours on painting on their off-days!
One of my favorite weekend activities is cozying up on the couch and brainstorming a list of meal ideas for the week ahead. This allows you to create an accurate grocery list before getting to the store which will help you budget and save money on food in the long run. Get more of Ca...
but they only bring temporary relief. Substances such as drugs or alcohol temporarily increase dopamine levels, providing a sense of pleasure, but once the effects wear off it's common to feel worse than before. Consider finding comfort and joy in activities such as having a relaxing bath...
Your source for up-to-date health news and medical information with resources for quitting smoking, losing weight, healthy eating, managing stress, and sleeping better.
If you’re looking to improve your overall health and find a natural way to cope with daily stress, find some activities that your boost mood. Positive emotional benefits of exercise await on the other side of an intense bike ride, a long run, a night of dancing, or a competitive tennis...
Doing something that you enjoy can brighten your day and your mood. Discover your hobbies, eat what you like or try something new. Some activities we suggest to help you feel great are going for a walk or run, taking a bath to relax or making time for reading a book or watching a ...
These seven daily activities make up the full set of 'mental nutrition' that your brain needs to function at its best. By engaging regularly in each of these servings, you enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities, which strengthens your brain's internal connections and your...
It's also important to remember that exercise doesn't just mean physical activity. Mental stimulation is also important for dogs, and can include activities such as training, puzzle toys, and interactive games.Ultimately, the key is to find a routine that works for you and your pet. ...
Jobs in green communities that are related to creating, maintaining, and running green areas can help the local economy. Working with the Community People who live in green communities have easier access to fun activities, which makes them more involved in their communities and improves their socia...