Ball Park Brand Prime Uncured Beef Franks is one of the unhealthiest hot dogs on the market because of its incredibly high sodium and saturated fat. "Each hot dog has 710 milligrams of sodium, which is 35% of the daily recommended amount of 2,000-milligram daily," saysWan Na Chun, MPH...
The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in Seattle's Pike Place Market in 1971. The name comes from the first mate in the book "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville. After Howard Schultz bought the brand in 1987, the chain eventually exploded into the biggest coffee empire in the world. Today, t...
Bread is a really hot topic and is targeted as the root of many health problems. Overall, bread gets a bad reputation because grains are not easy for your body to digest, can overwork your pancreatic enzymes, contain the anti-nutrient phytic acid and an abundance of dreaded gluten. Also, ...