If this is a beloved food of yours, it may be helpful to keep it as a special occasion treat that you enjoy in moderation or find some healthier, more natural brands at the grocery store. Most corn dog brands, like Foster Farms, for example, contain a ton of preservatives. When you ...
Occasionally giving lettuce to your dog may be considered as a nutritional and hydrating treat. However, too much of it can also be bad for your pet. Overindulging in lettuce may cause diarrhea and other digestive problems. Smaller amounts are fine but don’t offer a salad with their kibble...
Are you welcoming a brand new puppy in your family and would like to treat them with the best canned dog food for puppies? Or thinking of a better nutrition option for your young pet? Either way, you want to be sure you’re making a smart choice because you realize that it’s more ...