And if you got at least $20 in gratuities in January for your extraordinary services as a food server or hair stylist or parking valet or whatever job where tipping is common, you must report that amount by today. Use Form 4070 to let your employer know the total tips you took in last...
The last thing you need is getting the flu during a pandemic. Restock your mosquito repellent. Many people think mosquitos are summer pests, but they can linger into the autumn months. If you live in a hot climate, the fall might be the first time you can sit outside for several hours...
After a mild autumn that proffered a bountiful harvest to the state’s corn and soybean farmers, the weather suddenly took a terrible turn that November. On Nov. 18, a blizzard barreled its way into Nebraska, bringing torrential snow and sleet and winds of 50 to 70 mph with it. Schools...
Whilst the service will be open to non-members, existing UKTelehealthcare members will benefit from discounted rates. Gerry Allmark, UKTelehealthcare’s Managing Director, said: “We are very happy to be working in partnership with TECS Advisory to deliver a range of consultancy services to ou...
Clair Ramsden, Director of Clinical Services at Opal HealthCare, as we explored our...Read more Respite Care October 30, 2024 Respite care provides caregivers relief from prolonged duties, offering valuable support during unexpected challenges, emergencies, postoperative recovery, or planned travels......
Tips, Tools, Techniques, and Resources You Can Use in Your Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Initiatives You my either scroll down through the entire Patient Safety Tip of the Week Archive or click on the headings at the right to go directly to
In autumn 2011 HM Revenues and Customs stated that they wanted to clarify the existing legislation on which types of cosmetic surgery attract VAT. They claim that any cosmetic surgery carried out for medical reasons is not taxable. However, surgery simply carried out to improve appearance should ...