Whether you are a health plan with traditional insurance risk, a healthcare provider in a risk-based contract or an Accountable Care Organization contracting directly with CMS, having the right insurance and risk management team behind you is crucial to alleviating these pressures and optimizing your...
Healthcare Risk Mitigation Plan: Overview, Components & Sample Browse by Courses Natural Sciences for Teachers: Professional Development Prentice Hall Earth Science: Online Textbook Help 7th Grade Earth Science: Enrichment Program 8th Grade Earth Science: Enrichment Program ...
We also will introduce a few key steps that a healthcare facility should consider when developing a cybersecurity risk management plan. Finally, we will explore the cybersecurity effort of the Methodist Hospital of Southern California, winner of the ECRI Institute 2013 Health Devices Achievement ...
Employee benefit programs, plan design and administration Population health management Key person life insurance, retirement plans and executive benefits Workers’ compensation strategies, risk management services, property, casualty, cybersecurity, and more ...
It was discovered that most of the studies conducted on the use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) were not in line with the strategic plan of the country. This study aimed to assess ITN ownership and utilization, and includes barriers related to its use among the target-area population at...
PwC helps healthcare organizations manage regulatory challenges while proactively and strategically optimizing cybersecurity, compliance and risk functions.
The Gallagher healthcare insurance and consulting team supports our healthcare institutions with knowledge and programs that mitigate risk, so you can focus on care.
Are new competitors snapping up talent and customers—if yes, do we have a plan to respond? As the population of a healthcare provider market ages or becomes younger, or if average incomes and quality of life decline, HR must anticipate and respond to these changes. ...
For today’s modern healthcare organizations, a culture of healthcare compliance is key. A strategic compliance plan anchored around a comprehensive security risk assessment provides a strong foundation to continually manage compliance and monitor risk. It also creates a healthcare system that patients...
Technological advances also require outdated medical equipment and computers to be decommissioned exposing a need for secure healthcare information management. You can confidently destroy (and recycle) your medical records, computers, and office equipment knowing we will ensure your medical document manageme...