Kentucky Court Blocks Biden Administration’s Redefinition of Title IX to Include Gender Identity ByLibby PalanzaJanuary 13, 20253News A federal court in Kentucky has blocked the Biden Administration’s effort to redefine the term “sex” in Title IX to… ...
Since 2022, Kentucky's assisted living community regulations have undergone significant updates. The recent updates to Kentucky’s assisted living community laws and regulations enhance resident safety and improve the communities that support them. Although Senate Bill (SB) 11 passed in 2022, as is ...
The Norton Healthcare/Norton Children’s public relations team will not confirm deaths for media and would refer inquiries to local medical examiner’s offices only after sufficient time has passed to notify the family. Thank you for your understanding of these procedures. Media Experts Norton Healt...
Policy on abortion, revised May 2022 All people should have access to the full spectrum of comprehensive, evidence-based health care. Abortion is an essential component of comprehensive, evidence-based health care. As the leading medical organization dedicated to the health of individuals in need of...
For example, truck drivers carrying CBD or hemp products from Kentucky and Oregon through Idaho and Oklahoma are occasionallyarrestedby local and state police on charges of drug trafficking. CBD arrests are also quite rampant in Florida and Texas, where its possession is still regarded as a felon...
Efforts are underway from a variety of sources to combat the problem of campus sexual assault and raise awareness of the issue as well as provide specific suggestions for intervention. For example, theUniversity of Kentucky(UK) has developed and is actively promoting theGreen Dot Program, which ...
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services this morning announced 106 new accountable care organizations, which now rack up to more than 250 since the Affordable Care Act passed.
All graduate nursing students who completed the Healthcare Grand Challenge course in summer 2020 (n=14) were invited to participate. Students were eligible to participate if they passed the assessment criteria of the Healthcare Grand Challenge course and were willing to share their experiences and ...
“Someone who is diagnosed with a rare disease shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to receive proper medical treatment,” Dancer said in a statement. “With the creation of an advisory council, we will develop policy recommendations and best practices to share with state decision-makers that ...
In addition, all providers must select CQMs from at least 3 of the 6 key health care policy domains recommended by the Department of Health and Human Sevices’ National Quality Strategy: Patient and Family Engagement Patient Safety Care Coordination Population and Public Health Efficient Use of Heal...