Discover Healthcare Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Healthcare Acronyms and Abbreviations. Explore SS Definitions: Discover the complete range of meanings for SS, beyond just its connections to Healthcare. Contribute an Abbreviation: Have an abbreviation we haven't...
Abbreviations: NHI: National Health Insurance; NHIA: National Health Insurance Administration; DET: Drug Expenditure Target; MEA: Managed Entry Agreement. What portrayed in Fig. 1 shows the structure of the overall pharmaceutical NHI payment and actual transaction values between pharmaceutical suppliers ...
Coursera is another successful online e-learning platform that provides clinical terminology course, but only for international and US students. This course is designed and provided by the University of Pittsburgh. In this course, you’lllearn about clinical terms and abbreviations that are commonly u...
Abbreviations CDR: The Norwegian Causes of Death Register DRG: Diagnosis-related group ICD: International Classification of Diseases GP: General Practitioner IPLOS: The Individual-based Statistics for Nursing and Care Services Register KOSTRA: The Municipality-State-Reporting KUHR: Norwegian Contro...
Medical abbreviations are shortened forms of medical terms or phrases commonly used in healthcare settings. They are designed to simplify and expedite communication among healthcare professionals, reducing the need for lengthy or complex terminology....
Abbreviations: OR = odds ratio; SE = standard error; CI = confidence interval; ASC = alternative specific constant. Note: For a correct interpretation of the results, it is important to notice the different units of measurement, e.g., price is a continuous variable that is measured per euro...
Abbreviations: SPC (Semester Percentage Change). Notes: COVID-19 pandemic declaration - 2020(1). *Indicates that the SPC is significantly different from zero (p<0.05): increasing trend (SPC positive) or decreasing trend (SPC negative) Full size image Finally, between 2014 and 2022, the ...
Abbreviations GHLF: Global healthy living foundation THR: Total hip replacement TKR: Total knee replacement OA: Osteoarthritis HOA: Hip osteoarthritis KOA: Knee osteoarthritis HOOS, JR: Short form of hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score KOOS, JR: Short form of knee injury and ...
1.10 List of Abbreviations 1.11 Objectives 1.11.1 Objective - 1 1.11.2 Objective - 2 1.11.3 Objective - 3 Chapter 2 India Home Healthcare Market: Executive Summary 2.1 Market Outlook 2.2 Segment Outlook 2.2.1 Equipment 2.2.2 Services
Abbreviations WHO: World Health Organization NIPH: National Institute of Public Health EHES: European Health Evaluation Survey BP: Blood pressure HBP: High blood pressure BMI: Body mass index T: Chol-Total Cholesterol H: Chol-hypercholesterolemia LDL: Cholesterol HDL: Cholesterol TG:...