World Health Expo Dubai offers unique sponsorship opportunities at the Dubai Exhibition Centre, United Arab Emirates. With the top medical professionals from across the world in attendance, this is your opportunity to take the spotlight at the world's leading healthcare exhibition. Become a sponsor ...
台北,中国台湾--(美国商业资讯)--目前正在南港展览馆一馆举行的Healthcare+Expo台湾医疗科技展(2023年11月30日至12月3日)有望在全球范围内重新定义人工智能医疗保健的格局。今年展会的参展商众多,吸引650家企业参与,占据2300个展位,并获得亚太地区领先科技公司和医院的大量关注。 本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿...
Updated 09:39, 08-Apr-2023 Wuhan, China Share Error loading player: No playable sources found The 5th World Health Expo has kicked off in Wuhan, Hubei Province, central China. One of its aims is to showcase technology that can improve elderly healthcare outcomes as China's aging...
Join more than 10,000 attendees at Asia's largest medical laboratory exhibition from July 16-18 at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre.
Conference:2023 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo Date & Location:July 23-27, Anaheim, CA 2023 Edition theme:The cutting-edge science + technology shaping the future of laboratory medicine. Topics of interest:Microbiology and Infectious Disease | Automation and Analytical Techniques ...
Venue:Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) City:Jakarta Country:Indonesia More INDO HEALTHCARE EXPO editions INDO HEALTHCARE EXPO 2024From31 Julyto2 August 2024Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) INDO HEALTHCARE EXPO 2023From3to5 August 2023Jakarta International Expo (JI...
south sudan country office held a consultative meeting with the senior management of the ministry of health on 6 november 2021. the aim of the meeting was to align who workplans for 2022-2023 biennium with country priorities. who plans in two-year cycles (biennium) with the current biennial...
第29届TIHE(乌兹别克斯坦国际医疗展)与STOMATOLOGY UZBEKISTAN(乌兹别克斯坦国际口腔展)和PHARM EXPO CENTRAL ASIA(乌兹别克斯坦国际原料药展)同期举办,是中亚地区知名的专业医疗展览会,它极大的促进了乌兹别克斯坦及中亚地区医疗、口腔、原料药行业的发展,还使中亚成为最具有发展潜力的市场之一。
第29届TIHE(乌兹别克斯坦国际医疗展)与STOMATOLOGY UZBEKISTAN(乌兹别克斯坦国际口腔展)和PHARM EXPO CENTRAL ASIA(乌兹别克斯坦国际原料药展)同期举办,是中亚地区知名的专业医疗展览会,它极大的促进了乌兹别克斯坦及中亚地区医疗、口腔、原料药行业的发展,还使中亚成为最具有发展潜力的市场之一。