Carmen Ang Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Email Charted: Healthcare Spending and Life Expectancy, by Country Over the last century, life expectancy at birth has more thandoubledacross the globe, largely thanks to innovations and discoveries in various medical fields around sanitation, vacci...
Jones, ALomas, JRice, NHEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of YorkHealth Econometrics & Data Group Working PapersJones, A., Lomas, J, Rice, N., (2015), Going Beyond the Mean in Healthcare Cost Regressions: a Comparison of Methods for Estimating the F...
Second, we comprehensively presented the currently used COC indicators in the published literature, and shed light on the existing studies showing impact of COC on healthcare use and costs in various patients’ and country settings. Nevertheless, we acknowledge two main limitations in our study. ...
Therefore, the authors of this paper decided to elaborate further on the World Bank’s adopted comparison of real GDP growth rates and healthcare spending between the first group presented by the G7 nations and the second one marked as Emerging Markets Seven (EM7). The G7 became a formal ...
Healthcare systems are complex and challenging for all stakeholders, but artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed various fields, including healthcare, with the potential to improve patient care and quality of life. Rapid AI advancements can revoluti
The pandemic of COVID-19 was a major public health events and had a deeply impact on the healthcare acquired by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term impacts on healthcare service in Chine
Extended Data Table 5 Comparison of ED visits, non-elective hospitalizations, and mortality in Medicare beneficiaries in affected versus control counties for the warning period, or the week before the onset of a short-term U.S. NOAA NCEI billion-dollar weather disasters (days −1 to −7) ...
Understanding the drivers of health and economic cost for the treatment of mental health conditions is critical to meet the accelerating demands for care. We conducted an economic evaluation of real-world healthcare-systems data from 27,540 patients rece
Here, we review: (1) common barriers to healthcare access (shortage/cost of services; physician awareness; stigma); (2) barriers encountered primarily during childhood (limited screening/diagnosis; unclear referral pathways), transition to adulthood (insufficient healthcare transition services; ...