The article focuses on the health care industry in Germany and presents forecasts in 2012. It reports that the country's expenditure on healthcare as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) will be around 11.5-12% of GDP. It informs that a prominent role will be played by the state...
【Body 2】 By contrast,a smaller percentage of GDP was used for healthcare in Japan and Italy, with the figures of 20% and 25% respectively.To be more specific,Japan allocated 10% of its GDP on public spending,twice the figure forits private spending.In Italy,private and public spendings...
EconomicForum,northeentiretyofitsMembers, Partnersorotherstakeholders. ©2024WorldEconomicForum.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedor transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,including photocopyingandrecording,orbyanyinformation storageandretrievalsystem. ...
Health Expenditures in Relation to GDP Figure 8-5: Global Health Spending as a Percentage of GDP, by Country, 2018 (%) (Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, ...
This indicator is presented as a total and per financing agent (public, private and out-of-pocket expenditure) and is measured in percentage of GDP, in percentage of total expenditure on health, and in USD per capita (using PPP)." Citation formats Citation formats View options ...
Healthcare costs have risen dramatically in the United States over the past several decades. According to the Commonwealth Fund, healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP rose from 8.2% in 1980 to 17.8% in 2021.2 Americans are not getting better outcomes for their money compared to their peers...
However, the healthcare system is under increasing strain due to the country's aging population. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the share of Czechs aged 65+ has increased by several percentage points. The older population requires more medical attention and higher spending since the ...
“When looking at healthcare expenditure as a percentage of GDP, Austria ranks moderately high among developed countries, similar to Germany, France, and the Netherlands. This reflects a significant investment in maintaining a high-quality healthcare system with comprehensive services,” said Eugenia ...
where αi is an intercept for each country; tt is an intercept for each year; Yit was a vector of dependent variables (i is country, t is year), such as current health expenditure (CHE) as percentage of GDP (models 1–2), CHE per capita in US$ constant 2010 (models 3–4), CHE...
As a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), total healthcare expenditures in the U.S. in 2013 constituted 17.4% of GDP, while tax-funded health expenditures were 11.2% of GDP. By comparison, tax-funded health expenditures in Canada in 2...