This paper examined the trend of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) right from its evolutionary stage to its current practice in Nigeria. The few companies that recognize occupational health and safety are the big multinationals who are running the policies as constituted in their ...
Health in Nigeria Healthcare in Saudi Arabia Healthcare in the Middle East Healthcare in the Philippines Healthcare in Turkey Healthcare workers in the Philippines Home care in the U.S. Hospice care in the U.S. Long-term care in Canada ...
Given this development, the objective of this study is to broaden the understanding of the effect of the COVID-19, and offers a critical reflection that would enhance the human capital development in Nigeria. Additionally, the study tests the role of access to social safety nets on smoothening...
Health Related Policy Reform in Nigeria;- Empirical Analysis From 2001 to 2010; The Past, Trend and Future Directions For Sustainable Health Financing and DevelopmentHealth reformhealth policysustainable developmentThe study was carried out to demonstrate the impact of National weight on the process of...
The need to respond to local needs and problems suggested that curricula be problem-based, as was occurring in newer institutions like McMaster University (Canada), Ben Gurion University (Israel), Gezirah University (Sudan) and University of lllorin (Nigeria), all among the founding institutions ...
However, a new trend in economic analysis emerged that attempts to view government spending not only as an aggregate but also as an aggregate with different spending components. The argument made was that this latter view adds to the holistic view of the relationship between economic growth and ...
In a more severe scenario, Fig.3depicts that PM2.5concentration exceeds 50μg/m3in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Oman, Bangladesh, Chad, Pakistan, Bahrain, Iraq, and India. Prior literature has aptly acknowledged the transboundary sources of pollution, signifying that air pollution no...
The study adopts a multiple regression analysis to identify explanatory values of selected variables in respect of under-five mortality in the third world using the Nigerian example. The under-five mortality trend in Nigeria for 14 years (1988-2001) was selected as focus. The data source is ...
A GIS-based assessment of the potential soil erosion and flood hazard zones in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria using integrated RUSLE and HAND models. CATENA, 194, 104725 [46] Pálfai, I., 2002. Probability of drought occurrence in Hungary. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. 106(3-4), 265-275...
This result is higher than the studies conducted in Ghana (68.46%)35, North-Central Nigeria (67.4%)36, Somalia (85%)15, Wolayta Sodo, Southern Ethiopia (82.5%)26, Woldia, Northeast Ethiopia (80.7%)24, Adama City, Ethiopia (80.8%)37, Asella, Ethiopia (81.7%)21, Gambella, Southwest...