International Affairs » Somalia Somali Refugees in Kenya: Security Deficiencies and Public Health Concerns as a Result of Ineffective... International Affairs » Kenya Crime and Development in Kenya: Emerging Trends and the Transnational Implications of Political, Economic... Health Science » Heal...
These ties to different nations and cultures, including Somalia, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Canada, and the US, shaped our interpretations of the work, and it was our discussion of these perspectives that brought us to a more comprehensive result. Our lived experiences, as queer folk, mothers, ...
Health system profile, Saudi Arabia. Cairo: World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; 2006 ( PDF/Saudi Arabia/Full Profile.pdf, accessed 20 July 2014).Organization WH: Health Systems Profile. Somalia. Geneva: WHO; ...
PDF View:953 Download:78 Times Cited: 0 Open Access Perspective Revolutionizing healthcare in Somalia: the role of digital innovations in enhancing access and quality Somalia’s healthcare system faces significant challenges, including limited infrastructure, a shortage of healthcare professionals (2.5 ...
Somalia and Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) were excluded due to paucity of data in the required variables. The region comprises a highly diverse group of coun- tries with different socio-economic and health systems characteristics as shown in Table 1. Population size ranges f...
It was a destructive force in 1992, when American troops joined the UN Mission “Operation Restore Hope” in Somalia. Once more, Americans resisted directives to take a daily dose of preventive medicine, now Mefloquine, a vivax antimalarial developed by the Army in 1985. As with Atabrine a ...
Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among Healthcare Professionals at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia: A Cross-Sectional Study Nur Adam Mohamed, Yusuf Abdirisak Mohamed, Tigad Abdisad Ali, Adan Ali Gabow & Fartun Mohamed Hilowle Pages: 2573-2585 Published...
Natural, geographical barriers have historically limited the spread of communicable diseases. This is no longer the case in today’s interconnected world, paired with its unprecedented environmental and climate change, emphasising the intersection of evo
Life in chains: the plight of Somalia’s mentally ill. 09 October 2013 [Accessed 21 October 2021] Available from: World Health Organization [Internet]. WHO QualityRights. Act, unite and empower for mental health [Accessed 5 July 2021]. ...
Only those countries of origin with at least 20 individuals assaulted are shown, and specific rates are in eTable 1 in the Supplement. Immigrants from every country had rates no different than or lower than the nonimmigrant rate except for immigrants from Somalia, where rates were 712.0 (95% ...