and medtech industries are probably the most prominent because they are driven especially by research and technology. But there are other essential parts like healthcare providers, payers, care facilities, and many more. And finally, knowing the health situation of a pop...
This study aims to describe the ageing situation in the Philippines and to provide a national portrait of older Filipinos, focusing on their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, health status and household conditions. Data are mainly drawn from the 1990, 2000 and 2010 Philippine Census of ...
In order to further improve the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic and ensure the health and safety of personnel going to China from the Philippines, according to the latest domestic prevention and control requirements, combine
2.1CurrentglobalandregionalSTIsituationandcontrolstrategies………..4 2.2STIsurveillancesystemsinthePacificislandcountriesand areas……….………..5 2.3UpdateonnewdevelopmentsandinnovativeapproachesinSTIcontrol...7 2.4STIstatusandchallengesofSTIcontrolinthePacific...
Paulo “Lopao” Medina while talking about a part of the Philippine health system where there is more subspecialty than generalist doctors (inverted primary to tertiary). This topic has been included in the healthcare system/situation lecture at the university along with the reiteration of the ...
By contrast, in the Philippines, prospective migrants must pay numerous fees upon signing a contract with a recruitment agency, monies that may be secured from kin or local loan agents. Once the funds are received and the contract is signed, the prospective migrant worker is at liberty to ...
Health authorities in the Asia-Pacific region have swiftly responded to the situation. Hong Kong, the Philippines and Australia activated swine flu hotlines Thursday as part of stepped-up efforts to prevent an outbreak. Authorities have also urged the public to maintain good hygiene to prevent the...
Connecting communities to primary care: a qualitative study on the roles, motivations and lived experiences of community health workers in the Philippines Article Open access 11 September 2020 Stakeholder perspectives of Community Mental Health Forums: a qualitative study in Sierra Leone Article Open...
How Nucleotides, the Building Block of the DNA, Can Boost the Immune System Body Building Begin to imagine a situation where you are presented with a weak immune system and you will begin to clearly see how your health could be in jeopardy. Many means and ways to boost your immune system...
Can you imagine a situation where you would not be able to eat? Under such situations what will happen is that your physical health will start to deteriorate. This may lead to you becoming weak just because you failed to a simple thing; brushing your teeth. Also, you need to understand ...