version=1.2; configurationrules{ }; authorizationrules { => permit(); }; issuancerules { // SecureBoot enabled c:[type == "events", issuer=="AttestationService"] => add(type = "efiConfigVariables", value = JmesPath(c.value, "Events[?EventTypeString == 'EV_EFI_VARIABLE_DRIVER_CONFIG'...
Three authors - BBK, MH, and CR performed data extraction independently and subsequently merged results in one spreadsheet. Data management and analysis In this review, we referred to results of our literature search as records. A record may contain two or more case studies. We referred to ...
version=1.2; configurationrules{ }; authorizationrules { => permit(); }; issuancerules { // SecureBoot enabled c:[type == "events", issuer=="AttestationService"] => add(type = "efiConfigVariables", value = JmesPath(c.value, "Events[?EventTypeString == 'EV_EFI_VARIABLE_DRIVER_CONFIG'...
MS, Brilliant M, Bowton EA, Clayton EW, Faucett WA, Ferryman K, Field JR, Fullerton SM, Horowitz CR, Koenig BA, McCormick JB, Ralston JD, Sanderson SC, Smith ME, Trinidad SB (2013) Stakeholder engagement: a key component of integrating genomic information into electronic health records. ...
We obtained COVID-19 statistics from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University [45]. The dataset consists of records on the number of confirmed cases and...
(whether via automated scanning or manual entry, or historical documentation where applicpable) to initiate submission of the vaccination records to an IIS Cerner will accomplish this production activity tracking via the use of a cross-database analytics tool which provides near real-time activity ...
Alternatively, patients can also log in to the u-healthcare Web site (online u-healthcare center). When they enter their health data in their own page, they can receive tailored messages in the same way as the voice inception method. For long-term management, an individualized health report...
duration of the close contacts. Fourth, information on chronic or major diseases in medical records was not collected, although this could provide more precise information on participants’ physical health than their perception of health. Fifth, the potential impact of death or post-COVID-19 ...
Objectives Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are increasingly advocated as a way to quantify preferences for health. However, increasing support does not necessarily result in increasing quality. Although specific reviews have been conducted in certain contexts, there exists no recent description of the...
(n = 1375 studies) of poor- to high-quality focused on multiple interventions. The use of computer alerts within electronic medical records increased screening for sexually transmitted diseases [115]. Interventions in pharmacy services reduced suboptimal prescribing [117,127,133], and educational...