Marian Wong Clinical Psychologist Registered under Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists (accredited by the Department of Health) and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) MPsych (Clinical) (AU), MSc Mental Health Studies (UK), BSc(Hons) Psychology (UK) Areas of expertise:...
Professor Pat Dudgeon, Chief Investigator of Transforming Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing and Australia’s first Indigenous psychologist, welcomed visiting scholars from Canada, the US, and New Zealand. While in Boorloo, the cohort took the opportunity to visit Wungening Aboriginal Corporation ...
Closing the gap in life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will be the focus of an Australian first health alliance. The Research Alliance for Urban Goori Health will unite a research organisation, health service and primary health care provider to improve health for Aborig...