This chapter focuses on the Health Promotion (HP) initiatives to combat obesity in the Gulf States, a part of the Arab world that is particularly affected by a rapid shift to Westernization with junk food and physical inactivity being prevalent in the so
Bureau of Health Promotion DoH: Work manual for the construction of community health (Chinese). 2011, Taiwan: Bureau of Health Promotion, D.o.H., R. O. C Google Scholar Chen CM, Yang SC: Sustainable strategies for healthy community center operations. Evidence of Nursing (Taiwan). 2006,...
Bureau of Health Promotion DoH: Taiwan Public Health Report. 2006, Taiwan, Taipei: Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health Bureau of Health Promotion DoH, R. O. C Google Scholar Gaugler JE, Roth DL, Haley WE, Mittelman MS: Can counseling and support reduce burden and depressive...
8 Bureau of Health Promotion (2005) Available at http:// (accessed 19 December 2011). 9 NHIS Working Group: Sampling design for the 2005 National Health Interview Survey. The 2005 National Health Interview Survey Research Brief, 2nd ed. National Health ...
to the system is sanctionable by order and standards set by the Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Division (RCED) of the Bureau of Health Facilities and Services by the Department of Health. Please be guided accordingly,. Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player....
, chief nursing officer and director of surgical services at OCH and Medina Memorial; Madison Davis, a senior at Lyndonville; Courtney Slack, Allied Health instructor at Orleans/Niagara BOCES; and Kelly Kiebala, director of Job Development and the administrator of the Orleans County Youth Bureau....
Health promotion includes not only direct and formal teaching, but also promotion of awareness of public health problems to the general public, health care providers, and other agencies. Services may be provided directly or may be funded and supervised by the public health agency. Direct service...
Female strangulation in South Africa occurs in a context of pervasive and often extreme violence perpetrated against women, and therefore represents a major public health, social and human rights concern. South African studies that provide accurate descr
Bureau of Health Promotion: Breastfeeding rate investigation. Internet: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF): The challenge Overview of breastfeeding patterns. Infant feeding patterns...
Police officers constitute a work force at high risk due to their highly demanding work conditions. In a realistic paradigm, these conditions, and other determinants of their psychological health, can be linked to a multitude of variables that interplay