Health-mental illness in primary care: a practical assistance under constructionCosta, Gabriela Maria CavalcantiCelino, Suely MatosCoura, Alexsandro SilvaRevista de Atencao Primaria a Saude
Particulate matter, particularly PM2.5, is known to impair cardiopulmonary function, potentially through ROS generation and promotion of inflammation (Thangavel et al. Citation2022). There is also an increasing body of evidence suggesting deleterious effect on kidney function, though the mechanism ...
Currently, to be assessed for legal MAiD, a person must be at least 18 years of age and capable of “making decisions with respect to their health” and independently assessed by two nurse practitioners or medical doctors to “have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability,” to...
mostly in English-speaking countries: CPRD and THIN in the United Kingdom, the Veterans Health Administration project in the United States, EMRALD and CPCSSN in Canada. These projects had in common the use of technical facilities that range from extraction tools to comprehensive computing platforms....
How mental health legislation discriminates against people with mental illnesse.g. Mental Capacity Act
Truck drivers' perceptions on wearable devices and health promotion: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health 2016, 16, 677. 2. Hitosugi, M.; Gomei, S.; Okubo, T.; Tokudome, S. Sudden illness while driving a vehicle-a retrospective analysis of commercial drivers in Japan. Work Environ. ...