South Africa has a relatively high carbon footprint. The health profession should respond as opinion leaders, as professional bodies and as an industry.doi:10.1080/20786204.2009.10873892R MashOfficial journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care...
In the near past, South Africa’s health worker shortages as a result of emigration were viewed as significant and harmful. Currently, domestic policies to improve health care and the health workforce including innovations such as new skilled health worker cadres and OSD policies appear to have se...
The sample size and geographic distribution of each student/professional group were not determined a priori and depended on the rates of participation from each institution. However, a standardized protocol was used to approach potential participants in each group in terms of number, frequency, media ...
Regulatory bodies should consider making CPD mandatory for relicensing to enhance the perceived need for CPD among healthcare workers and the health sector. In this study, we observed that female healthcare workers had less knowledge of CPD compared to male health workers. This finding is ...
While additional research is needed, the burden of creating new, simple, standardized indicators for insufficiently addressed issues will largely fall on international bodies such as WHO and UNAIDS, both of which have mechanisms for community consultation and engagement. This process will require a ...
Professional health system is elitist and lay persons are yet to exert their right over their bodies in doctor-patient interaction. The philosophy and practice of SC are still in infancy in these countries. Partnership between lay person and professionals Partnership between lay persons and ...
Research ethics education is critical to developing a culture of responsible conduct of research. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have a high burden of infectious diseases like HIV and malaria; some, like Uganda, have recurring outbreaks. Coup
We can ask what came first, the chicken or the egg, but in the end, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that evidence-backed findings are coming out in droves confirming that our bodies and minds are reflecting and impacting each other. The real question is, what do we do? How d...
Primary care doctors in Shenzhen, China are increasingly expected to identify and prevent depressive disorder; however, they have received limited mental health training and community healthcare centres (CHC) do not provide standardised protocols for the diagnosis and care of depressive disorder. The Wo...
Different non-probability sampling approaches were used to recruit the participants, including purposive, convenience, and snowballing. To recruit health professionals and other stakeholders, the study flyer was sent to health services and professional bodies working with people from refugee backgrounds. The...