Taking On Healthy, a crusade to engage, educate and entertain Nevadans, while inspiring us all to be that change.
HEALTH PLAN ID CARD Always carry it with you. Your health plan ID card is your key to coverage. It contains important information and phone numbers. LEARN MORE HPN & SHL MOBILE APP Easily manage your health plan information on the go. Discover the HPN & SHL app and put your benefits at...
Health Plan of Nevada Adult Preventive Healthcare Guidelines – General Population* American Cancer Society Recommended Cancer Screening Guidelines for Men and Women, March 2004. American Cancer Society Workshop on Early Prostate Cancer Detection, May 4-6, 2002 and ACS guideline...
Download apps by Health Plan of Nevada, Inc., including HPN & SHL, Tummy2Family, and NowClinic.
Finding the right health insurance plan in Nevada can be overwhelming. Whether you’re an individual looking for comprehensive coverage or a family seeking a plan to fit everyone’s needs, it’s important to consider factors such as: Coverage needs Evaluate what types of medical services you or...
Health Plan of Nevada, Inc. Entity featured on Fitch Ratings. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets.
Choice :: "When my husband lost his job, he lost insurance too. I tried searching on my own, but was overwhelmed. HealthMarkets helped us find the best insurance for our financial situation and our needs." HealthMarkets offers the following types of insurance for residents of Nevada. ...
there are different types of health insurance plans designed to meet different needs. some types restrict your choices of doctors or require you to use the plan’s network of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other medical service providers, or pay more out-of-pocket for providers outside the...
The Nevada Health Insurance Exchange, the Nevada Health Link, is the official Nevada State marketplace for health insurance under Obamacare.
When I first started writing this column, it was during Obama’s first year and the big controversy was his plan for more government control over health care. I focused mostly on the adverse fiscal implications, but also warned that Obamacare would worsen the third-party payer problem that ma...