Healthy People 2020 and 2030 includes initiatives to prevent morbidity, improve quality of care, and delay mortality for older adults in the United States [5]. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) are used globally to quantify the number of healthy years of life lost from the presence of a...
is expected to reach 1.46 billion by the year 2030, with over 1 billion expected to live in urban areas.14 By then, China will have the world's largest senior population, at around 247 million people over 65 years old, with many carrying a variety of co-morbidities and chronic illnesses...
⁸ “Healthy People 2030,” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, ⁹ Galewitz, Phil; Weber, Lauren; Whitehead, Sam, “States Have Yet to Spend Hundreds of Millions of Federal Dollars to Tackle Covid Health Disparities,” Kaiser Health News, May...
Integrated People-Centred Eye Care (IPEC) is one of the more effective ways we can meet the growing need and demand of eye health services globally. As a sector, we need to embrace IPEC and advocate for its adoption. We will have to come together at national and sub-national levels to ...
The article emphasizes the importance of systemic policy change, prevention, and involving young people and children in decision-making. It also mentions existing frameworks and initiatives in Australia and other countries that focus on children's well-being and the need for government...
Literature review Health literacy has been widely recognized as a major health care problem, and improved health literacy is often listed as an important objective in governments' health initiatives such as China's Healthy China 2030, or the United States' Healthy People 2020. Research has shown ...
Chinesecitieswithsupportfromanumberofgovernmentinitiativesandincentiveprograms.Often(butnotalways),thesefacilitiesarenon-profitorganizationsengagedbythegovernmentthroughpublic-privatepartnershipstoserve peopleoflower-andmiddle-incomelevels.For-profitlong-termcarefacilitieshavealsobecomemorecommonin Allphotographsinthisreport...
The participants aged ≤ 45 years (aOR:1.9,95% CI: 1.0-3.6), people who perceived their health status as satisfactory (aOR: 3.1,95% CI: 1.5–6.3), had satisfactory self-rated financial status (aOR: 2.9,95% CI: 1.5–5.5), had satisfactory level of self- related esteem (aOR =...
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy people 2030 - LGBT [Internet]. Washington, DC: The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 2020 [cited 2022 May 14]. Available from: ...
Back in 2016, the WHO reported that approximately 39% of people over 18 years old were overweight with 13% of them being obese (27). More than one in 20 cancer cases were caused by excess weight (28). Obesity in 2030 remains a global health challenge with many more diet-associated dise...