“At this young age, children’s brains are still developing. Locking up children while their brains are still forming crucial pathways is damaging to the developing brain, and these children are more likely to go on to re-offend in the future,” she said. Ms Ah Chee acknowledged community ...
Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled health sector came together in Brisbane today to assist in launching a suite of Deadly Choices preventative health promotional assets, including a series of television advertisements, aimed at limiting the number of community members ...
Captured via the concept of ‘representatation, and supported by a structurationist approach, this analysis thus provides a fresh theoretical basis for understanding how structural antecedents of a health system influence health providers’ workplace (mis)trust, and the pathways by which this may ...
41, 43 We thus included household and outdoor air pollution in risk standardisation and plan to further examine these risk mediation pathways in the future. Second, health gain weights were based on classifying intervention sets into five effectiveness categories, as informed by published literature ...
(page number not for citation purposes) BMC Health Services Research 2008, 8:31 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6963/8/31 Darwin Northern Territory Western Australia Alice Springs Queensland South Australia TBrisbane T Perth KEY T = hospital transplant = hospital dialysis = satellite dialysis ...
(Color online) The pathways between climate change and human health[3] 大量研究显示, 高温热浪期间人群死亡率显著升高, 心脑血管和呼吸系统疾病、中暑及热相关疾病是常见死因[4,5]; 此外, 水电解质紊乱、肾衰竭、尿路感染和败血症等疾病的入院率也明显上升[6]. 在气候变化背景下, 未来发生极端高温事件的...
Sydney, Westmead NSW, Australia; 2 NSW Health Pathology, Westmead NSW, Australia; 3 Tweed Shire Council, Tweed Heads NSW, Australia; 4 Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra ACT, Australia; 5 University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD, Australia; 6 NSW Health, North Sydney NSW, ...
The present study assesses carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks via ingestion pathways. Health risk levels may be site-specific due to exposure to an element (heavy metals). The average daily dose (ADD) can be calculated to identify non-carcinogenic threats. The ADD by ingestion was calculated...
Indigenous health and sexual health workers from the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area made the trek south to attend the Deadly Sex Congress in Brisbane earlier this month. Photo: Supplied to Cape York Weekly. Providing sustainable dialysis services to families in remote Australia ...
, 2019). Total ambulance calls increased by 18.8% in Brisbane, Australia during heatwave days when compared to non-heat wave days (Tong, 2013). Further, according to Table 2, Rio de Janeiro and Madrid recorded high temperatures of 43.2°C and 40.6°C, respectively, in 2012. Rio de ...