Oral health has a direct impact on the transmission of infection; a cut in your mouth, bleeding gums, lip sores or broken skin increases chances of infection. Although oral sex is considered a low risk activity, it is important to use protection and safer sex precautions. There are various ...
Fewer teeth can be caused by inflammation of the gums, which can be caused by oral pathogens. Role of Amyloid Beta Protein ABP may play a role in the development of AD (52–54). Patients with severe periodontal disease have higher plasma ABP concentrations and the presence of periodontitis ...
Recent studies also show promise for other agents such as xylitol (a sugar alcohol) and amorphous calcium phosphate in toothpaste and chewing gums. All of these agents require action on the part of the patient in order to have the desired effect. Some are not particularly palatable. That is,...
Delays in visiting were measured by questions per- taining to previous service use: "How long ago did you see a dental professional about your teeth, dentures or gums?" and "How often on average would you seek care from a dental professional?". Intentions regarding future service use were ...
In the effect of an infection, the body’s protection mechanisms are forced to attack these infections. As this happens, there is marked inflammation in your gums, which often leads to the destruction of fibers that secure your teeth to the gums. As this happens, the gums are forced to ...
Iwegbue CMA, Bassey FI, Tesi GO, Overah LC, Onyeloni SO, Martincigh BS (2015) Concentrations and health risk assessment of metals in chewing gums, peppermints and sweets in Nigeria. J Food Measure Character 9:160–174 Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements The authors wish to ...
Conclusions Helicobacter pylori can occur in the oral cavity aside and independently from the stomach. However, the high number of bacteria in the oral cavities of children with gastric H.pylori, an association between the presence of H.pylori and halitosis, DMFS, and pH were found.Peer...
The dentist can also inspect your gums, neck, and lymph nodes to make sure that you are in good health. Preventive Care Preventive care is always better than treating a disease. From research, preventive care is also cheaper than treating a condition that has already occurred. If you want ...
Pathogen presences and aggregations in the body generally come in three basic forms: Body-wide, as exemplified when one is sick with the flu Focal and concentrated, best exemplified by infected teeth, gums, or tonsils, generally associated with, or capable of readily generating, identifiable accum...
Cone beam CT has clinical applications outside of dental practices as well. Otolaryngologists (ENTs) may also use CBCT systems to image thesinuses. CBCT can pick up on changes in the soft tissues of the sinuses that aren’t visible in x-rays. ...