This rapid health needs assessment was undertaken to urgently identify the needs of socially vulnerable groups arising during the first wave of cases of the COVID-19 pandemic in England. The objective was to develop recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders to mitigate adverse impacts on ...
This study investigates the association between price inflation and mental health conditions in the general population during the post-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) era in England, beginning from April 2022. Here, utilizing data from the Office for National Statistics and the National Health ...
A health watchdog has warned that failings identified within NHS maternity services across England are "more widespread" than previously thought. A review of 131 inspections by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found common issues with the quality and safety ofNHSservices, wi...
As Award Lead for nursing, she is responsible for shaping the development and delivery of our nursing programmes around the ever-changing needs of the NHS. Frederick Yeung - Senior Lecturer and Fellow HEAFrederick is a dedicated mental health nursing leader, with over 45 years of experience in ...
…the NHS in England employs the full time equivalent of 1.2 million people, nearly 200,000 more than they did in 2012. …in 2021, the NHS was around 16% less productive than before the pandemic. …one of the managers lamented to me that he could schedule a maximum of four knee opera...
Also, one is allowed to free NHS dental treatment if either you or your partner gets pension credits. What Does NHS Cover Unlike private dental services, NHS dental services are limited. Under NHS, the patient is entitled to general examination and assessment, and non-surgical dental treatment ...
We review the various aspects of health technology assessment in osteoporosis, including epidemiology and burden of disease, and assessment of the cost-effectiveness of recent advances in the treatment of osteoporosis and the prevention of fracture, in the context of the allocation of health-care reso...
Health Education England – International Recruitment – Visa Application Centres Author Author ProfileRelated Posts Anne Morris Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qua...
In our county there is a 2 year plus wait for an NHS appointment. Following assessment, a SCP [shared care protocol] is issued but there is very little ongoing follow up” (healthcare professional). “I feel like I’ve just been left to manage my symptoms alone” (person with ADHD)....
Pregnancy was addressed in the context of Norwegian working life in the late 90s, with a focus on risk assessment and facilitation of the working environment [30,31], but pregnancy-related sick leave is still considered the major cause of the gender difference in sickness absence [32]. As ...