Obesity Health Matters is a leading provider of credible information about Obesity that matters to you. You can use Obesity Health Matters as your "one-stop-shop" for all information related to staying health. We aggregation of content from the most trusted providers on the web. Obesity Health...
In 1994, for instance, Brownell58 wrote an opinion/editorial about the obesity epidemic in the New York Times. This piece recommended changes in the food environment by decreasing children's exposure to food advertising and, if needed, taxing unhealthy foods. The response at that time was ...
DeBarr, KathyApha
Obesity can therefore be seen as a change in physi- ology for which interventions could focus on prevention and harm reduction, requiring intentional efforts in shaping the food environment, culture and technology to help align revealed preferences and effective demand with the needs of our future ...
food desert led to anxiety, and as a result, residents of such communities become more vulnerable to depression (Wu & Schimmele,2005). In low-income commonalities, due to the unequal access to healthy food, obesity is higher in such communities than the middle- and high-income ones (Chen ...
The top reason for obesity, contracting diseases, and psychological issues is the artificial or unnatural food that we eat. This has and continues to cause several issues and to get rid of those issues; we spend hundreds of dollars on medicines and doctor fees. But, we must understand the ...
Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always I am healthily in body and mind - Swami Sivananda Diabetes As obesity creeps into preschools, and hypertension and type II diabetes become pediatric problems for the very first time, the case for starting preventive health care in the...
The introduction of fast processed food into the standard diet has changed the way people eat not recognizing the importance of maintaining a balance diet, and as a result we experience the steady increase in obesity, hospital visits, medicine prescription, andother related issues. ...
Now that obesity and overweight have become a major concern all over the world, people should ensure that they are able to engage in physical activities that will help them to burn excess fats in their body. It is good to take note of the fact that table tennis is not only an interestin...
Obesity, for instance, needs proper treatment aiming to treat both physical and psychological condition. Studies also found that obesity is more of a mental issue rather than physical. By addressing the core of the illness, doctors find it easier to cure the patients. Career Path As it is a...