Glassdoor Employees Choice - Best Place to Work,... Client Services Manager 30+ days ago 100% Remote Work Full-Time Employee Tampa, FL, Canfield, OH, Westerville, OH Coordinate and participate in client and vendor calls, manage inquiries and track metrics, liaise with smaller clients, and le...
but not limited to plan design, compliance and reporting services, health plan underwriting and employee contribution setting, health and well-being management, and retiree health care solutions. You'll lead consulting projects,
000 employees at 27 hospital locations, including 18 acute care, five short stay, three rehabilitation and one transitional care hospital. The nonprofit health system offers employees several health and wellness programs addressing such concerns as healthy pregnancy, weight management and tobacco cessation...
After that experience, he explained, “I focused on my health and I took on a new mindset in life, which was encouraged by my leaders and by Capital One.” He and his leaders talked through the flexibility in his paid time off, medical resources available to associates, like therapy and ...