2008|Ethnobotany and livelihood status of Malayali tribes of Kollihills in Tamilnadu Suresh, K.; Norman, T. Selvin Jebaraj; Velumani, K.; Vijayan, R.; Rathinavel, S. 2013|Effects of biodiversity, habitat structure, and water quality on recreational use of rivers Doi, Hideyuki; Katano, Iz...
THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF EDUCATION INEQUALITIES IN TAMILNADU Mrs.V. NALINI ,Dr.R.KARTHIKEYAN 352-361 PDF Advanced Imaging Techniques in Dental Microstructure Analysis: A Meta-Analysis of Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy Applications Narzullaeva Amina Olimovna, Dr. Riddhi Chawla ...
Chapter 1defines risk as the interaction of a hazard’s consequences with its probability or likelihood. This definition and similar derivatives are used in virtually all technical documents associated withrisk management. Clearly defining the meaning of “risk” is important, because the term often ...
THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF EDUCATION INEQUALITIES IN TAMILNADU Mrs.V. NALINI ,Dr.R.KARTHIKEYAN 352-361 PDF Advanced Imaging Techniques in Dental Microstructure Analysis: A Meta-Analysis of Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy Applications Narzullaeva Amina Olimovna, Dr. Riddhi Chawla ...
Seaweeds are grown for their use in food and other sectors, however heavy metals (HMs) contamination raises serious issues for the environment and public h
[1]. Usually the feeling of loneliness will be underpinned by factors such as struggling to find the meaning of life, a feeling of being unpleasant, and not being able to connect with anyone, and it is highly subjective [2]. Loneliness has evolved itself into a standalone disease in ...
Flowers grow in groups called racemes that are thick and long. These racemes are usually terminal, meaning they are located at the ends of branches or stems. Each flower is small and has a structure that is hard to describe. Most of the flowers are bisexual, which means that they have ...
We prepared questionnaires in Chinese, English, Malay, and Tamil though all participants responded in English. Of the 2116 households being visited, 1488 valid responses were returned and the response rate was 70.6%. We conceptualized that parents’ influence is strongest when children are 14 years...
first used around 1600.The binomial in its entirety thus has the meaning “the clinging plant that coils in spirals (helices)”. The modern English ivy derives from Middle English ivy, from Old English īfiġ, deriving in turn from Proto-Germanic ibahs. The meaning is uncertain, but the ...
In Step two, the independently translated SSQoL-T1&T2 documents were shared among the two translators to synthesize and reach on consensus on the Amharic version of the SSQoL-Am (version 1). Any differences in the concepts and/or meaning were sorted through discussions. In step three, the ...