The "metacor" and "forestplot" packages in R-Studio were used for data analysis. The total effect was calculated using a random-effects model, with I = 86% in the heterogeneity test. The results showed a moderate negative correlation between MIL and mental health ...
When older adults present with symptoms like inattention,memoryproblems, or fatigue, these are often attributed tocognitive decline,dementia, or physical health issues, rather than exploring potential mental health conditions likedepression,anxiety, or ADHD. 3. Communication Barrie...
To be eligible for this model of care, older adults must be unable to leave their home and have 2 or more chronic conditions. The Hospital at Home (HAH) model enables organizations to provide hospital-level care in the person's home. Most of the participants are very...
Older adults who live alone may need to make an effort to avoid social isolation. Many older adults find that volunteering is a good way to use skills and life experiences to contribute to society. Hundreds of organizations in the United States welcome the skills of older a...
Older adults should also have a good way to call for help. People who have fallen several times may keep a telephone in a place that can be reached from the floor. Another option is installing a personal emergency response system (a medical alert device) that signals someone to check ...
health care professional such as a nurse practitioner or physician assistant. The goal of this model is to keep older adults in their home and out of the hospital. To be eligible for this model of care, older adults must be unable to leave their home and have 2 or...
Older Adults, Caregiving, and Late-Life Mental Health IssuesOlder adults become caregivers in later life for a variety of reasons, giving rise to role...Kropf, Nancy P.American Society on AgingGenerations
One of the biggest factors that can contribute to mental health issues in seniors is isolation. Social interaction and affection are essential for feeling happy, active, and mentally healthy. If you feel like your social circle is shrinking as you get older, here are some ways to improve that...
The proportion of older adults in the population is steadily increasing, causing healthcare costs to rise dramatically. This situation calls for the implementation of health-related information and communication technologies (ICT) to assist in providing more cost-effective healthcare to the elderly. In...
Participants: Older adults (N = 20; age 62+) residing in an apartment community. Procedures: Collection of baseline objective and self-report measures with a focus on physical activity; administration of the 10-week AFRESH program via weekly sessions; collection of follow-up data 12 and 36 ...