Explaining what the data revealed, he said: "What you see is that even after three years, mentalhealthis still better, which is unlike many other things that we think will make us happy." He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed ...
雅思词汇1,Healthcare Health Care Vocabulary Check these words with dictionary and try to use them in sentences Skin cancer (be) vulnerable to illness Stress-related illness Viruses and infections Pharmacy Incurable/ curable Circulation of blood Immune system Inflammation Surgery/ surgeon Cell-destroying ...
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) has been a major publichealth problemworldwide now. 目前获得性免疫缺陷综合征 ( AIDS ) 已成为严重危害全人类健康的传染病之一. 互联网 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. a state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain...
(ˈkwestʃən)noun 1.something which is said, writtenetcwhich asks for an answer from someone.The question is, do we really need a computer?pregunta 2.a problem or matter for discussion.There is the question of how much to pay him.cuestión,problema ...
Alcohol is water- and fat-soluble, making it toxic to every cell in the body and brain. Ethanol is poisonous. When our liver metabolizes it, one of the byproducts of the detoxification process is acetaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. The combination of ethanol and the acetaldehyde ...
a. The energy or motive force by which a physical system or machine is operated: turbines turned by steam power; a sailing ship driven by wind power. b. The capacity of a system or machine to operate: a vehicle that runs under its own power. c. Electrical or mechanical energy, especial...
of parking, is within the range of 8,500–24,000 square miles noted above. Assuming 330 square feet per space, those 14,145 square miles would equate to 1.31 billion parking spots, which is within the range proposed by Chester and colleagues [5]. Using the U.S. Department of ...
Comprehensible communication is critical for social functioning and well-being. In psychopathology, incoherent discourse is assumed to reflect disorganized thinking, which is classically linked to psychotic disorders. However, people do not express every
Oligosaccharide, as a new type ofhealth foodadditive, is receiving greater attention. 具有保健功能的低聚糖作为新型的食品添加剂越来越被人们所关注. 期刊摘选 Do you have vitamin drinks and thehealth foodwhich are popular in Korea? 你有吃些在韩国很受欢迎的维它命饮料和健康食品 吗 ?
a.源于抽象名词。这类抽象名词的各种词尾在逆生过程中均被当做后缀切掉。抽象名词变为动词 . Source in abstract noun.This kind of abstract noun each kind of suffix in counter lives in the process to treat as the suffix to cut away.The abstract noun becomes the verb[translate]...