Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is proud to be the state’s only statewide, customer-owned health insurer. We are also the largest provider of health benefits in Illinois, serving more than 8.9 million members in all 102 counties across the state. For more than 85 years, we’ve pr...
See what Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois plans have to offer you. Explore employer, individual, family, Medicare and Medicaid options available for you.
Need health insurance in Illinois? eHealth makes shopping easy. Navigating Illinois health insurance plans Finding the right health insurance plan in Illinois can be overwhelming. Whether you’re an individual looking for comprehensive coverage or a family seeking a plan to fit everyone’s needs, it...
Why Illinois Health Insurance Services? Meaningful, positive change Access to the best quality care in Illinois Plans that inspire employees Get the tools and information you need to provide the highest quality care for your employees while paying less. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. I...
Apply for Illinois health insurance from HS - WellFirst Health.Get free quotes on affordable medical insurance plans and buy health care coverage from HS - WellFirst Health.
Are you looking for affordable health insurance in Illinois? Connect with us and get quality assistance that meets your financial needs. Our team is dedicated to the requirements of our clients.
Illinois residents can apply for Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance plans, also known as Obamacare plans, during the annualOpen Enrollment Period, which usually occurs from November 1 – December 15 each year. If you don’t have health insurance, an ACA health plan could be the right...
Significant Health Care Reforms," effective July 1, 2010, pursuant to a new Illinois law, all people in Illinois with health insurance are guaranteed the right to an independent, external review of ...
We provide customized and proven healthcare solutions to help deliver comprehensive risk management programs and solutions for healthcare organizations. No matter the size or scope of your customer's facility or operation. Be it a nursing home in central Illinois looking to insure an older property...
Humana Benefit Plan of Illinois, Inc. Review Magnum Health Insurance Review Indiana 1. Anthem Insurance Companies: Anthem, working through Blue Cross and Blue Shield, works hard to make sure the best doctors in Indiana are all in its programs. The result is a health plan with a wide reach ...