When you buy an insurance policy, you will pay a premium payment monthly or annually. In exchange for that premium, your insurance provider agrees to cover a portion of your healthcare bills as outlined in your plan policy. You are still responsible for some costs, like deductibles and copay...
Ohio Health Insurance is an independent brokerage insurance agency specializing in various insurance products. Our expertise includes individual health insurance, company-sponsored health insurance, Medicare, and ancillary products. By focusing on providing comprehensive benefit solutions, we aim to manage you...
Central Ohio's Largest and Leading Provider of Professional Medical Services STAFFING HOMECAREWHY CHOOSE HEALTHPRO Experienced and Dependable Medical Professionals All Staff Insured and Bonded 24-Hour/ 7 Days a Week Availability Join Us Specific Nursing Plans Coordinated With Your Doctor Recommended By...
family, self employed, Senior, student, or uninsured, our expert guidance and experience allows you to view and learn about the most affordable on or off-Marketplace health insurance in Ohio. Easily review all private and ACA plans in your area, and customize the copays, deductibles, and...
ERChealth is a unique health insurance program for Ohio organizations that want to attract & retain employees with high-quality benefits.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ohio. Where a group health insurer paid less than the 80% of eligible medical expenses its contract required it to pay because it had separately negotiated a discounted fee schedule with the medical...
In Ohio, there are many types of small business health insurance options tailored for their employees. These include Small Group Health Insurance Plans, which cater to small groups, Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans requiring a primary care physician and referrals, Preferred Provider Organizat...
SummaCare offers affordable medical insurance for employers, individuals, families and Medicare eligibles in Ohio. Explore local health plans you can count on.
health care and serve the community through research and application of new knowledge. OSU is a healthcare provider for the health insurance plans mentioned in the previous paragraph, and they also provide a health plan for their employees and dependents under The Ohio State University Health Plan...
At Insure Care, we help our clients in Ohio make informed decisions in finding the right healthcare insurance plan. Our team is dedicated to providing you with complete benefits that you can use for your medical needs and expenses. Get in touch with us t