If an illness is not contractible, then even partially insured consumers demand treatment for it when the benefit is less than the cost, a condition known as moral hazard. Traditional health insurance, which controls moral hazard with copayments (demand management), can result in either a ...
The increase in these unhealthy lifestyles in turn leads to elevated disease risks, indicating that insurance-induced, " ex ante moral hazard" is present in rural China. The findings are robust to the variation in model specification and sample selection, as well as to the introduction of an ...
Variable gene expression of infantile hemangioma during proliferation and involution may offer new therapeutic targets for treatment.doi:10.1097/MOO.0b013e3283587415Amy FinkelsteinCurrent Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery
Moral hazard in health insurance.[ Finkelstein, Amy; ]. Moral hazard--the tendency to change behavior when the cost of that behavior will be borne by others--is a particularly tricky question when considering health care. Kenneth J. Arrow's seminal 1963 paper on this topic (included in this...
MoralhazardHealthinsuranceaffectsconsumerdemandforhealthcare–higherutilizationofcoveredservices AdverseselectionWhengivenachoice,peoplewhochoosetopurchaseinsurancearelikelytobeagroupwithhigherthanaveragelosses.(Alsoappliestoachoicebetweenlowoptionandhigh-optionplans.)TheDemandforHealthInsurance Whydoconsumers...
Asymmetric information in health insurance markets may lead individuals to overconsume med- ical care. Many studies explore this "moral hazard" using models that aggregate medical care decisions up to the annual level. Using employer-employee matched data from the Medical Ex- penditure Panel Survey...
Answer to: For health insurance, give an example of behavior that can be called moral hazard and another example of behavior that can be called...
医疗保险HealthInsurance 期望效用Expectedutility =生病的概率×生病时的财富所带来的效用+健康的概率×健康时的财富所带来的效用=probabilityofillness×utilityofwealthwithillness+probabilityofhealthy×utilityofwealthwithhealthy 例子,假设Example,assume 约翰有$20,000的年收入,年内没有储蓄和贷款 Johnhas$20,000...
MoralhazardHealthinsuranceaffectsconsumerdemandforhealthcare–higherutilizationofcoveredservices AdverseselectionWhengivenachoice,peoplewhochoosetopurchaseinsurancearelikelytobeagroupwithhigherthanaveragelosses.(Alsoappliestoachoicebetweenlowoptionandhigh-optionplans.)TheDemandforHealthInsurance Whydoconsumers...
1.道德风险(moral hazard): 根据俄勒冈健康保险实验发现,享受医疗补助的低收入者相对于未投保者增加了约25%的医疗保健支出(Finkelstein et al., 2012);事实上,支付意愿都远远低于自己的成本,补贴保险的边际成本较支付意愿高出近200%。...