Community based reproductive health interventions for young mar- ried couples in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review. BMC Public Health. 2015;15:1037. CrossRef. MedlineCommunity based reproductive health interventions for young married couples in resource-constrained settings:a systematic ...
This paper examines the role of employer provided health insurance in the retirement decisions of dual working couples. The near elderly have high-expected medical expenditures; therefore, availability of health insurance is an important factor in their retirement decisions. We determine if access to ...
This plan is perfect for you if you are a married couple, a joint family, or a young family. You will get expenses for hospitalisation, domiciliary treatment, doctor consultation, and many added services. Why is it one of the best? You can add two riders which are OPD benefits, which ...
Married Couples Can Come Out Ahead with Separate Health Insurance Plans While you check the “married” box, you may want to keep your health insurance plan status as “single.” It might seem counterintuitive to do that since it’s often assumed that family health plans save money. But that...
the need for health insurance benefits for same-sex couples; the lack of understanding of the types and meanings associated with sexual practices within the GLBTQ community reflected in medical education; and 6. the predominance of HIV/AIDS over other chronic health issues in gay men's lives. ...
This study examines life insurance adequacy among married American couples approaching retirement based on the 1992 Health and Retirement Survey with matched Social Security earnings histories. It evaluates each household's life insurance needs based on new financial planning software that embodies a life...
Kind of like people start to look like their pets after awhile, you may notice that married couples start to share some similarities as the years go by, too. But according to a new study published in the journal Nature Immunology, the physical similarities between married couples might go ev...
SUPPLEMENTAL PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE AND DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS IN OLDER MARRIED COUPLES.Stress process theory is applied to examine lack of supplemental private health insurance as a risk factor for depressive symptomatology among older married couples covered by Medicare. Dyadic data from 130 African-...
Read S,Grundy E.Mental health among older married couples; the role of gender and family life. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology . 2011Read, Sanna & Emily Grundy (2011). Mental health among older married couples: the role of gender and family life. Journal of Social Psychiatry ...
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is an individual mandate that requires all eligible Americans to have some form of basic health coverage. For tax years prior to 2019, those without insurance will receive a penalty when they file their tax returns