Universal health insuranceSliding-scale treatmentUninsuredPeople living with HIVART treatmentVietnamHIV/AIDSInternational funding for HIV treatment and prevention drastically decreased when Vietnam transitioned from a low-income to a lower-middle-income country in 2010. Vietnam has attempted to fill the ...
States’ politically driven decisions to deny low-income residents Medicaid expansion have led to remarkable disparities in HIV-positive people’s insurance coverage based on their home state’s expansion status. Only 5% of people with HIV in expansion states are uninsured, compared with 19% in non...
The introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has provided unprecedented opportunities for uninsured people with HIV infection to access health insurance, and to examine the impact of this change in access. AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) have been directed to pursue uninsured individuals ...
Although antiretroviral (ARV) drugs are now publicly funded, the burden of treatment due to hospitalization on people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) continues to be high. Unlike many countries, India is yet to eliminate the exclusion clause in standard health insurance products.The overall aim...
Determinants of willingness to participate in health insurance amongst people living with HIV in a tertiary hospital in South-East Nigeria Background: Waning donor funding and poor country ownership of HIV care programmes are challenges for the sustainability of care for people living with HIV... ...
Health Care Insurance A trend toward "managed care" and away from "fee-for-service" medicine has been sparked by significant changes in the health insurance industry. Health care insurance originated in the 1930s with Blue Cross (hospitalization coverage) and Blue Shield (physician services coverage...
in a press statement about the report. “We hope that this research, coupled with stories of patients across the U.S. who have been charged for PrEP, demonstrates that more needs to be done to ensure that insurance companies are compliant with the ACA’s [Affordable Care Act’s] preventive...
Health Insurance Plan. This paper summarizes the findings of the first breast cancer screening trial, which was initiated in December 1963 to explore the efficacy of screening. Women aged 40-64 years were selected from enrollees in the Health Insurance Plan (H......
National health insurance programs provide governments with greater incentives and instruments for regulating the medical market than programs of government subsidies. Government decisions determine who is to be publicly insured—often defined by income or age limits, or by specifying occupational groups, ...
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV was added to standard antenatal care (ANC) in 2000 for Colombians enrolled in the two national health insurance schemes, the 'subsidized regime' (covering poor citizens) and the 'contributory regime' (covering salaried citizens with incomes above ...