Arpo Aromaa and Jouko L?nnqvistspQuality of Life ResearchSaarni SI, Härkänen T, Sintonen H, Suvisaari J, Koskinen S, Aromaa A, Lönnqvist J (2006) The impact of 29 chronic conditions on health-related quality of life: A general population survey in Finland using 15D and EQ...
While some countries benefit from large healthcare providers with associated data resources (e.g. National Health Service data in the UK, and the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database), others, such as the USA, have brought together healthcare providers in ‘virtual networks’ [37,...
Saarni SI, Suvisaari J, Sintonen H, Koskinen S, Harkanen T, Lonnqvist J: The health-related quality-of-life impact of chronic conditions varied with age in general population. J Clin Epidemiol 2007, 60 (12) : 1288–1297.Saarni SI, Suvisaari J, Sintonen H, Koskinen S, Harkanen ...
L?nnqvist, JoukoElsevier B.V.Schizophrenia ResearchSaarni, S. I., Viertio, S., Perala, J., Koskinen, S., Lonnqvist, J., & Suvisaari, J. (2010). Quality of life of people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychotic disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, ...
Parents of 69 patients were interviewed via telephone for a diagnostic validation. A total of 10,409 children were identified with ADHD, with a male: female ratio of 5.3:1 and a psychiatric comorbidity rate of 76.7 %. Of the validation sample 88 % met the diagnostic criteria of ADHD for ...
School settings were also places where parents/caregivers were in contact with other adults from outside of their cultural community, offering opportunities to develop bridging ties, such as for Kasambayi: Concerning Australian community, how we do meet is through our kids because they are schooling...