Student Medicover provides affordable, high quality health insurance to protect international students in the US.
Health Insurance for International Employees: options for your business Your people are the foundation of your business’ success. At Cigna, we partner with you to help you build a healthy workforce, both in body and mind, with our simple, predictable and affordable health and well-being solutio...
Naturally, many students wonder: Should I opt out of my student health insurance plan? The answer depends on your circumstances. You might think being young and healthy means you don’t need health insurance. But that’s not entirely true! Health insurance for internationa...
Get a quote for health & medical insurance in France from AXA - Global Healthcare. Our flexible plans support expats, students & families living in France.
Get quotes for health & medical insurance in China with AXA – Global Healthcare. Our flexible plans support expat professionals, families & retirees abroad.
1985年,Pascal Rey-Herme和Arnaud Vaissie创立了AEA国际集团,一家在亚太地区经营多语言公司,它提供咨询和医疗保险服务。 后来的10年见证了公司的运营。它走出印尼和新加坡,成为跨越亚太地区的机构。公司的办事处如雨后春笋般地在澳大利亚、香港、日本、中国大陆迅速增加。
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (12+ MONTHS) SHORT TERM HEALTH INSURANCE (3-9 MONTHS) Consistent cover for your employees We understand that in today's globalized world, businesses often have employees spread across different regions. With our regional plans, you can ensure consistent and reliable cov...
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (12+ MONTHS) SHORT TERM HEALTH INSURANCE (3-9 MONTHS) Consistent cover for your employees We understand that in today's globalized world, businesses often have employees spread across different regions. With our regional plans, you can ensure consistent and reliable cov...
Multiple international coverage options Coverage for congenital anomalies Insurance Policy Exclusions It’s important to consider the exclusions of each policy, as most policies come with a long list of them, all written into the fine print. And once you have your policy in place, always be mindf...
Student Medicover(SM保险)是美国留学生市场中大型的医疗健康平台。我们不仅为来自世界各地的国际学生提供优质的医疗保险及暖心的服务,同时十分注重为学生普及保险及医疗知识,从而在异国他乡安心就医,健康生活。 价格实惠 健康生活本不该昂贵。我们的订制保险价格实惠,也提供完善的医疗保障。