At the end of last year, the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued an Advisory Opinion (AO 23-11, the Opinion) in which OIG approved an arrangement where a medical device manufacturer would provide up to $2,000 in subsidies to Medicare benefici...
It details the latest efforts of the Inspector General’s Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program (“HCFAC”), which has been at work for the past 25 years in a coordination of “…Federal, state, and local law enforcement activities with respect to health care fr...
‘We witnessed most of what the participants experienced because we were there and sat alongside while they were calling; and you could see at their faces oh this is not working out well and things like that cannot be written down in a questionnaire or so’(inspector). Developing an inspecti...
Oliver neighborhood was ordered to close after an inspector found a "mold-like substance" on food. Sep 13, 2024 Allegheny County's first human case of tickborne Powassan virus diagnosed in child Powassan virus is still rare, but the number of reported cases has increased over the last ...
As noted in last week’s Gallup Poll, and in previous polling by Pew, Harris, Kaiser Family Foundation and Keckley,only one in three Americans believe the health system performs well.Accessibility, costs, price transparency and affordability are dominant complaints. They believe the majority of hea...
CAP puts the lab at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital (WA) on probation after an unannounced inspector found a patient who was transfused with another patient’s blood because a lab tech misread a computer screen listing single-spaced lines of tests. Some of the changes involved software. Great ...
If an employer has not received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on or before 15th August 2021, an inspector must order that the business be temporarily closed. A business that is closed may resume operations after the employer receives his or her first dose of ...
the medical help you need. Ask your doctor if your health concerns might be caused-by or aggravated-by the indoor environments where you spend time. If your doctor says yes, ask for some direction as to the type of indoor condition that should be the target of your on-site inspector. ...
Section 13 [108] of the Act authorizes a regulator or inspector decide that emergency measures be taken by qualified person in the event of pollution. Section 30 [108] of the Act recommends precaution for factory operations involving emission of explosive or inflammable dust, gas, vapor, or ...
“Ultimately, it’s about patients getting the right care,” Andrew Vanlandingham, the HHS inspector general’s senior counselor for health information technology, said in an interview. He said that investigators are “gearing up” for more scrutiny of the important industry, including closer monito...