Rueda S. Health inequalities among older adults in Spain: The importance of gender, the socioeconomic development of the region of residence, and social support [ J ] . Women's Health Issues, 2012, 22(5): 483-490.Rueda, S. ( 2012 ). Health inequalities among older adults in Spain: ...
The neglect of social inequalities in older people’s health has been fuelled by implicit assumptions that old age brings universal ill-health and that health promotion strategies for older age groups will meet with only limited success (Ginn et al., 1997). The emergence of an ‘ageing society...
How do variations in the socioeconomic development of cities contribute to disparities in the health status of older adults in urban China? What role do local fiscal conditions play in shaping the intercity disparity in the general health of older adults? To address these questions, we studied an...
says "The disproportionate number of deaths due to COVID-19 in minority ethnic groups has highlighted ethnic inequalities in health among older adults in England. Our study adds detail to evidence of these inequities and their drivers before the pandemic. Now, we need decisive policy action to i...
The world is graying – and, like global warming, at a rate faster than previously anticipated. By the year 2050 one-third of the world’s population is expected to be over 60. With the increase in the population of older adults, there are likely to be global concerns regarding the heal...
Unmet healthcare need is a critical indicator, showing a plausible picture of how the healthcare system works in the unprecedented pandemic situation. It is important to understand what factors affect healthcare services of older adults in the midst of t
Although the oral health status has improved in developed countries in recent years, oral diseases are still unequally distributed across socio-economic groups. Research on the impact of socio-economic factors on oral health care among older adults in Eu
We close by reflecting on what conditions make health inequalities unjust, and to consider the merits of policies that prioritize the elimination of health disparities versus those that focus on raising the overall standard of health in a population. Keywords: health disparities; inequality; inequity;...
Older men have significantly higher prevalence of life-threatening diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Alharbi et al., 2020; Iller & Wienberg, 2012) (see chapter “Social Networks and Health Inequalities in Old Age”). Graham et al. (2011) ...
(2014). The role of education at young and older ages in explaining health inequalities in Europe. Population, Space and Place, 22, 255–275. Article Google Scholar Preston, S. H., & Glei, D. A., et al. (2011). Contribution of smoking to international differences in life expectancy....