Inequalities in health by social class dimensions in European countries of different political traditions. Int J Epidemiol. 2008; 37 :1095–105.Espelt A, Borrell C, Rodriguez-Sanz M, et al. Inequalities in health by social class dimensions in European countries of different political traditions. ...
To compare inequalities in self-perceived health in the population older than 50 years, in 2004, using Wright's social class dimensions, in nine European countries grouped in three political traditions (Social democracy, Christian democracy and Late democracies).Cross-sectional design, including data ...
Opportunities,assumptions,discrimination,socialmobility Socialstructurethatfavourshighersocialstatus,individualismandwealthanddisadvantagespoorer,dependantgroups Socialstructure Inequalitiesinsocialposition Inequalitiesinaccesstodeterminants Inequalitiesinhealth WhatcomestomindwhenIsay ...
Correction: Inequalities in health and social class and povertyBMJdoi:10.1136/bmj.282.6277.1710-dNone
Measuring social class in US public health research: concepts, methodologies, and guidelines. Increasing social inequalities in health in the United States and elsewhere, coupled with growing inequalities in income and wealth, have refocused attenti... N Krieger,DR Williams,NE Moss - 《Annu Rev ...
These priorities are the core of the European health policy framework Health 2020, which aims to “significantly improve the health and well-being of populations” and “reduce health inequalities” (WHO 2012). This paper aims to provide more evidence on the social causes of cross-country health...
It is well known that people in racial and ethnic minority groups and in lower social-class positions have higher morbidity and mortality rates from virtually every disease. To effectively deal with the problem, we will need to adopt a more appropriate conceptual model that focuses on the fundame...
Such effects were found in the majority of these studies, but not in all. Social networks were found to buffer the harsher effects of poverty on health, while specific network characteristics were shown to intensify or attenuate the health effects of social inequalities. Conclusions Our review ...
In 2020 Health Trends, we called one of the major emerging developments in healthcare “Acting on Equity,” and it was about all the ways in which healthcare’s stark inequalities were getting new attention from leaders in life sciences. Blog August 31, 2020 Why Hospitals Really Like the ...
Intelligence: Is It the Epidemiologists\" Elusive \"Fundamental Cause\" of Social Class Inequalities in Health? Intelligence: Is it the epidemiologists' elusive 'fundamental cause' of social class inequalities in health? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86... Gottfredson,Linda S. - 《...