Lastly, we focus on HIAs as a practical tool that promotes HiAP implementation by using scientific evidence and evaluation to inform the integration of health recommendations in the context of urban policies. We use examples of HIAs conducted by researchers of the Barcelona Institute for Global Heal...
To gather insight on how Health in All Policies (HiAP) is applied in practice, we carried out a case study on transport policies intended to stimulate a shift from car use to bicycling. We reviewed 3 years (2010, 2011, and 2012) of national budgets and policy documents in the Netherlands...
Puska P (2014): Health in all policies--from what to how. Eur J Public Health 24: 1.Puska P. Health in all policies -- from what to how. Eur J Public Health 2014;24(1):1.Puska P. Health in all policies -from what to how. Eur J Public Health. 2014;24:1....
Mobilising cross-sectoral action is helpful in addressing the range of social determinants that contribute to health inequities. The South Australian Health in All Policies (SA HiAP) approach was implemented from 2007 to stimulate cross-sector policy activity to address the social determinants of health...
In relation to health promotion, the lifestyle drift is a phenomenon whereby health policymakers begin with a recognition of the social, political and economic determinants of health ('distal' determinants of health), only to drift back into designing policies targeted largely at modifying individual...
Health policy is the set of decisions and plans, developed by governmental or nongovernmental agencies, designed to promote specific health-care objectives. Policies can be directed at individuals, physicians, pharmaceutical companies, or health-care systems. Examples include tobacco control policies and ...
Health in allpolicies in the Netherlands: a strong advice to go beyond existing boundariesFour of the main national advisory boards in the Netherlands - on public health and health care, education, public administration, and social economy - issued a joint advice to upgrade health in all ...
work for the Health in All Policies approach, which draws attention to the need for government action outside the health sector encouraging the systematic consideration of health implications across sectors to improve population health outcomes [8]....
The evidence base for the impact of social determinants of health has been strengthened considerably in the last decade. Increasingly, the public health field is using this as a foundation for arguments and actions to change government policies. The Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach, alongside...
in kind. At the same time, once law is in place, its amendment or removal requires a new process, and incoming governments may have difficulty summarily overturning law which has been made in response to policies determined by an earlier government. Law's advantage lies in its weight. It ...