an issue faced by both developed and developing countries of the world. Additionally, unscientific and crude disposal and recycling practices for management of E-waste have severe implications for the environment and human health resulting from release and exposure to toxic emissions and constituents. ...
Electronic waste (e-waste) generation is increasing worldwide, and its management becomes a significant challenge because of the many toxicants present in electronic devices. The U.S. is a major producer of e-waste, although its management practice and policy regulation are not sufficient to ...
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have evolved into a new type of knowledge representation that serves as the cornerstone for a variety of applications ranging from general to specialised industrial use [4,5]. The fundamentally abstract structure of this technology, which efficiently promotes domain conceptualisati...
Protecting human health from fine particulate matter (PM) pollution is the ambitious goal of clean air actions, but current control strategies largely ignore the role of source-specific PM toxicity. Here, we proposed health-oriented control strategies by integrating the unequal toxic potencies of the...
and inhabits less productive natural ecosystems in marginal areas [37]. Furthermore, the interplay between fertility and marriage has implications for environmental quality [5]. Downey and Hawkins (2008) argued for evaluating the impact of family size and household headship by males or females on...
The incorporation of data analytics in the healthcare industry has made significant progress, driven by the demand for efficient and effective big data analytics solutions. Knowledge graphs (KGs) have proven utility in this arena and are rooted in a numb
The group Inuit was not included in the comparison graphs due to a large confidence interval impacting the scale despite being included in comparisons using all available cycles of data combined. Time trends in chemical concentrations: Trend analysis was conducted by race. Linear trends were assessed...
Prognostic assessments are needed to evaluate and compare the potential implications of new policies – and thus to help choose between them. Summative assessments have to be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies, and provide an indication of the extent to which they are ...
discussion on findings, and (e) “Conclusion and policy implications” section concludes the study with policy recommendations. Literature review Theoretical framework The coronavirus outbreak (SARS-CoV-2) is a specific type of infectious disease, increasing severe acute respiratory syndrome (Abbas2020)....
For probable human health hazard implications, contamination factor (CF) and pollution load index (PLI) were studied. The CF values revealed the low-to-moderate pollution of sediment. The PLI value above one shows the degradation of the consistency of the sediments. Fe, Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn and...